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GameOn Podcast “Manipulator”

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GameOn Podcast “Manipulator”

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Hear ye, hear ya! Another game design experience - podcast “Manipulator” is waiting for your attention!

Listen to this podcast and get to know more about fake news game design experience “Manipulator” made by Nexes (Spain) team.
Guest of this podcast is Adrià Sonet from Nexes organization (Spain).

This activity will help you to:
  • To get to know more about “Manipulator” game design experience;
  • Understand how to build game design experience on the topic of fake news ;
  • Know what does it mean to have game design process with young people;
  • To reflect on what kind of game design experience do you want to make.

Complete the following activities:
  1. Listen to the podcast (15 min.);
  2. Reflect on your experience;
  3. Complete badge tasks;
  4. Claim activity badge.

This series of podcasts is a part of the capacity-building project "Game On: Inclusion through educational game design".

Project co-funded by EU Erasmus+.

Cover image: photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash


Preuzmi značku znanja aktivnosti

GameOn Podcast “Manipulator” Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

Earners of this badge listened to the podcast “Manipulator”.

This badge is the digitally verified micro-credential that proves that you gain knowledge in, or/and experienced the following:
  • Knowledge about “Manipulator” game design experience;
  • Understanding how to build game design experience on the topic of fake news;
  • Understanding what does it mean to have game design process with young people;
  • Reflecting on what kind of game design experience do you want and can make;
This series of podcasts is a part of the capacity-building project "Game On: Inclusion through educational game design".

Project co-funded by EU Erasmus+.
Zadatak broj1
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: jedan/na organizator/ka aktivnosti
Listen to the podcast. Share your thoughts and ideas on at least one or more questions below:
What did you learn about the game design experience?
How can you use game design to explore the topic of fake news?;
How can you use the game design process to include young people?
What kind of game design experience do you want to create in your practice?


#active listening
#personal development
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Vreme za završetak: 20 minuta
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Nexes Interculturals
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